Space - Saving Benefits provided by Pull-down attic stairs in Hobe Sound’s homes

New solutions for old problems

Optimizing limited spaces is usually a challenge for homeowners in Hobe Sound mainly because, in many cases, it requires a balance between functionality and aesthetic appeal. Acquiring a pull-down stairs has become the best solution for many homeowners since it maximize both storage and accessibility besides offering another benefits

Optimizing the most important thing: your space

Pull-down attic stairs can be a significant source of energy loss when they’re not properly insulated. Many Florida homeowners choose insulated stair covers or install weatherstripping around the attic door to reduce air leakage, which is a very good option to optimize energy efficiency and keep cooling costs down, given Florida’s high temperatures for much of the year.

In the same way, it is important to keep in mind that high temperatures can significantly affect the structural integrity and, for this matter, a proper insulation system is crucial to control temperature and, therefore, prevent any damage.

If you are a Vero Beach resident and don’t have all these features, sooner or later you’re gonna need them…and the Holt’s Reliable Garage Door is your best choice for this matter. Give us a call and we’ll give you a detailed quote and, with your approval, we’ll install every needed feature to insulate your attic.

Moisture and Humidity

As you should already notice, Florida has very humid weather, specially in the zones near to the beach or a lake as is the case of Vero Beach. And you should also have noticed the damage high humidity can cause.

The most common issues caused by humidity include metal corrosion and mold growth and to prevent them is very important to have a proper ventilation system to reduce condensation levels.

One of the most vulnerable materials is, without question, the wood, which is the same material some pull-down attic stairs are made of. Being constantly exposed to high levels of humidity can deteriorate them and warp them.

Given this difficult weather it is very important to prevent moisture damage, and that’s why most of the homeowners in Florida, especially in areas near to the beach like Vero Beach, prefer attic stairs made of moisture resistant materials like aluminum or treated wood.

It’s worth remembering that regular and preventive maintenance are a key factor to timely detect moisture damage such as rust or swollen wood. Regarding the salt in the air, which usually causes an accelerated corrosion, you can use a corrosion-resistant coating or opt for a stainless steel hardware. It is also highly advisable to regularly clean your pull-down stairs in order to remove the salt.

Have you forgotten to ask for an inspection for your attic? You just moved to a new house in Vero Beach and you’re not sure of what the attic stairs are like? Call Holt’s Reliable Garage Door and we’ll give your attic a full inspection and all the advice you need to ensure everything is alright up there in your attic. We’re the best home improvement option in the Vero Beach area so don’t hesitate to call us now and get your quote. We’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Storms, Hurricanes and Wind Resistance

Another thing that is well known is that houses and buildings in Florida are especially vulnerable to hurricanes and strong winds and for this reason it is very important that attic stairs meet some standards to ensure they’re totally safe. This implies using materials resistant enough to guarantee safety in case of hurricanes and storms and attic entrance must be reinforced as well.

Florida’s residents must make sure the pull-down attic door they have in their homes is in line with the state’s construction code. If you live in Vero Beach and need to reinforce your attic and/or your pull-down attic stairs in case of having bad weather, you better call Holt’s Reliable Garage Door, the best construction company in the area.

We take safety as seriously as we take customer full satisfaction. You can let us take care of all the safety and reinforce your attic needs so you won't have to worry about your attic nex time a storm or a hurricane strikes the area.


Florida’s warm weather makes it ideal for some unwanted spices like insects and rodents that can invade your home if you don’t have a properly sealed attic access. For this reason, it is important to ensure your pull-down attic stairs have a tight seal when closed.

Installing weatherstripping or any resistant material can keep bugs, mice, bats and rats away. At this point you may be wondering who can help you with this issue. But, if you are a Vero Beach resident, you don’t have to wonder anymore: Holt’s Reliable Garage Door experts team is here to help you install any material you have chosen to keep pests away. Don’t doubt it and give us a call!